
day 13 - wanderlust.

(full list) - 13 - somewhere you'd like to move or visit.

this question falls along the same lines as, "what's your all-time favorite band, or movie." impossible. the list of places i want to see are endless, that's the easiest way to answer that. i will never say "no" to a trip, so long as i can afford to go. LIVING, on the other hand - is something a little different, and also something i've given quite some thought to as of recently.

i've always loved vancouver. still do. a big part of it is that my (extended) family is there... but also - the city is freaking amazing. too bad they don't just let anyone emigrate to canada... you need to pay some freaking dues... but, it's a dream. i've also considered seattle. i went once when i was a kid, and loved it. i love anything by the ocean with mountains as a backdrop. my hometown of chicago is always on the back burner and i've also considered a completely different continent, just to learn a different language, culture -- lifestyle... why not?

but, i've spent the last decade living in what a lot of people argue to be, the "greatest city in the world." that's a bold statement. i get why people think that, but suffice it to say that my relationship with this city would have to be the quintessential love/hate kind. i suppose the love outweighs the hate by at least a small margin, otherwise, i woulda blown this popsicle stand a long time ago.

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