
30 day challenge.

i started this months ago -- decided to ditch it, because that's who i am... and am now going back to it. i have all the ones i've done so far on my old blog, so i'm going to spend some time bringing them over here (backdating the entries to the dates and times i originally posted them) and try my best to finish this up before i take off for jamaica.

01. your current relationship. if single, discuss single life
02. where you’d like to be in ten years.
03. your views on drugs and alcohol.
04. your views on religion.
05. a time you thought about ending your own life.
06. write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
07. your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
08. a moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
09. how you hope your future will be.
10. discuss your first love and first kiss.
11. put your ipod on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play.
12. bullet your whole day.
13. somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
14. your earliest memory.
15. your favorite websites.
16. your views on mainstream music.
17. your highs and lows of this past year.
18. your beliefs.
19. disrespecting your parents.
20. how important you think education is.
21. one of your favorite shows.
22. how have you changed in the past two years?
23. give five pictures of guys (or gals) who are famous, who you find attractive.
24. your favorite movie and what it’s about.
25. someone who fascinates you and why.
26. what kind of person attracts you.
27. a problem that you have had.
28. something that you miss.
29. goals for the next 30 days.
30. your highs and lows of this month.

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