
day 14 - memory.

(full list) - 14 - your earliest childhood memory.

a little backstory as to how shitty my memory is, i started kindergarten when i was five, and it was around that time when our family took a trip down to disneyworld. i only know this, because there's a whole album of pictures at my mom's house. but, i have no recollection of this trip, what-so-ever. none. in fact, there was a period in middle school (before i had even seen the disney pictures) where i accused my parents of lying to us about taking all these trips as kids... because if i didn't remember them, they never happened. to this day, the only memories i have from disneyworld are the ones i made when i went at twenty-three.

i guess my first real memory was from pre-k. halloween. i was going as a cat. it was a weird looking cat, almost like a cat/puppy breed (think ren and stimpy, what was stimpy?) -- and i remember before i left to go to school, my dad took my mom's eyeliner pencil and drew on some whiskers for me. that's my first memory that wasn't sparked by a photograph. and one of my favorites.

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