
sadder legs.

new york city's this big black hole that sucks you in and eats you alive. if you're lucky, it'll spit you back out and give you a proper second chance... if you're not-so-lucky, you'll go a-runnin' back from where you came with your sad tail wagging between your even sadder legs.

the past couple of years i've contemplated (quite a few times) of making that move back to chi-town, but at the end of every "last" year, i somehow manage to find a reason/excuse to stay.

but this time, this time it has to be different. if i run into one more person from my past and they ask that dreadful question, "so, what's new?!" i'd better have something more valuable to say than, "oh, well, you know, same ol' shit, different day." i thought it was clever when i first heard it, but then six years go by and it just doesn't have that same, hip, carefree attitude. getting older sucks, and if i ever hear another kid say, "i just wanna grow-up!" i'm going to smack them right in the mouth and lecture them on the perks of being a child, demanding that they enjoy every second of it.

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