
the power of wireless...

... and a good friend. (:
"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in december..."
-- j.m. barrie.
thanksgiving has passed and it’s officially starting to feel like winter. scarves, hats and gloves have become a necessity, the length/amount of cigarette breaks have significantly decreased, the streets become ashy and desolate and everyone seems to lack interest in leaving the comfort of their bargain anti-allergenic pseudo-down duvets and would much rather hide out in the warmth of their ridiculously priced new york apartments spending quality time in front of their television sets blaring their favorite blockbuster.

every retail mogul busts out their christmas best and work at coercing you into buying the most lavish gift ( at the most reasonable price! – of course - ) for your nothing-but-the-best deserving significant other… and it seems to me that despite all the commercial hubbub behind the once-sacred sanctity of christmas, the joy almost everyone feels around this time of year always goes unmatched.

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