
battered wife syndrome.

"'all i'm saying is i pray the game is nine innings, so i can go out there the least amount of time possible and go home,' bradley said.

so does he regret signing with the cubs, who are his seventh major league team?

'i don't regret anything,' he said. 'i regret that there are idiots in the world, that's what i regret.'"

all excuses aside, the ultimate demise of this franchise will lie in the loss of faith from everyone who's ever invested anything into this team. i don't think there's anyone who's associated with this team - from the owners to the fans - who doesn't want to see this team not only win the pennant (which we all know we're capable of, speaking of years past) - but take home the world series. the fact that the air within the walls of the friendly confines is thick with hostility and resentment towards EACH OTHER, all signs point to my beloved cubbies going down in the history books as the biggest disappointment in major league baseball, maybe even in the entire world of professional sports.

let this be said, at the end of the day, although my faith may be in vain,
my hopes and loyalty remain steadfast.

1 comment:

  1. Time to get a new team. Maybe a AAA team? The Louisville Bats are nice.
