
day 6 - fact.

(full list) - 06 - thirty interesting facts about yourself.

"Time flies; eternity dwells."
01. i can only do the “vulcan salute” with my left hand, not my right.
02. used this one before, but still true: i have never seen a single godfather movie, or rocky.
03. my first cassette that wasn’t a book on tape, was salt-n-pepa’s “shoop” single.
04. the books we had on tape also came with giant tmnt comic books.
05. i love coloring. everyone loves coloring, but i actually buy coloring books.
06. i used to have this borderline unhealthy obsession with wanting to be left-handed.
07. sunny-d commercials always made me want the purple stuff.
08. i can’t clip my toenails like a normal human being. i do it like an ape would.
09. i have about 9 ½ filled moleskines, because of my anal-retentiveness for consistency.
10. it has taken me three days to come up with this many things for the list. i’m screwed.
11. the first car my dad bought just for me was a chrysler plymouth.
12. one stupid summer i left that car on the side of the road after it died.
13. and to this day – i don’t know where it is.
14. i was, and still am, an extremely irresponsible person. one of my many vices.
15. i feel trapped, struggling to create this list, and just want to move on to day 7.
16. some time around now, marks the start of year nine of working at the same brewery.
17. i still can’t tell if that is a good or bad thing.
18. if reincarnation exists, i bet i’ll come back as a hermit crab.
19. the best present i have ever received – the complete hardcover calvin & hobbes collection…
20. ’til my niece was born 17 months ago. ‘cept, she’s not really something someone gave to me.
21. the worst night of drinking i had, i ended up losing a shoe. i came home, with one shoe.
22. …am i really only at 22? this is turning into a nightmare.
23. this is my favorite number.
24. i cannot do a single real push-up. i don’t even wanna know about pull-ups.
25. my worst gym fear happened one day, i fell off the treadmill, mid run. i quit the next day.
26. i truly believe, that my dad, is the best dad in the world.
27. every single chicago game (mlb/nfl) i attend in new york, they lose. every… time.
28. i’m almost at thirty! …and this is how old i am.
29. my brother is younger than me, but my entire life – i’ve never felt it.
30. i often feel regret, remembering how far away i moved from home.

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