
day 16 - pop.

(full list) - 16 - what are your views on mainstream music?

via nataliedee.

anyone who doesn't listen to "pop" music solely because it's mainstream, is a 'tard. shitty artists can write a solid song just the same as a great artist can release a mediocre album. i'll be the first to admit i have a tendency to pass judgment on those with questionable music taste, but - i also know that i can't put my entire itunes library on shuffle when there's an impromptu party at our apartment, because like everyone else, it's chock full of "guilty pleasures."

i've always had a soft spot for the rare breed of artists who actually bother to write their own songs. everything from the bass line to the lyrics. never understanding the concept of simply putting a pretty face to someone else's art - because to me, that's no better than a group of drunkards walking into a karaoke bar and giving their best rendition of "livin' on a prayer," and calling themselves pop-stars.

i still don't get how (or why) britney spears is releasing albums that hoards of people (young and old) go running to the store for, nor do i wait in eager anticipation for lady gaga's next album, BUT... i'd be lying if i said i haven't been jamming out to "paparazzi" for the past couple weeks. fuck you, it's catchy.

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