
day 8 - satisfied.

(full list) - 08 - describe a moment you felt the most satisfied in your life.

satisfy verb – meet the expectations, needs, or desires of (someone.)

to be completely honest, in this moment — today, i feel as though i am the most satisfied than i have ever been. don’t get me wrong, there’s no great sense of accomplishment whooshing through me, like when i finished my very first 8th-grade shop class project (a leather “wallet” for my mom. man, that thing was heinous.) but — for the first time i finally feel like i know what direction i want my life to go in, and taking all the steps necessary to get there… and i guess you could say i feel more productive than ever… which in turn provides a good amount of satisfaction.

i’m not the type of person who needs to accomplish something great before they are happy — i’m perfectly okay with the concept of trying, and failing… trying and failing… and then trying and failing. (three times, right?) that at least if you know that you gave it everything you have with each attempt… and whatever mistakes you were making, you fix along the way. i mean, haven’t we been told that this is what it’s all about anyway? not the destination but the journey? yea, i’m pretty satisfied with my journey.

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