
day 2 - ten years.

(full list) - 02 - where do you want to be in ten years?

i have always hated this question. what does it matter where i want to be in ten years? in ten years, i want the things i’m doing now, to matter. in ten years, i want to feel exactly how i feel now: beautiful, young and free. but i won’t.

remember back in elementary school, when one of your idiotic teachers thought it would be a good idea for the whole class to write letters to their future selves, talking about all the things you think you’re going to accomplish between then and when you get the letter? usually it’s a 5-10 year project… and then one rainy afternoon, you get the letter… only to feel shitty about yourself because you didn’t become that astronaut you dreamt about, or you didn’t go to medical school like you said you would, a decision you so adamantly made in second grade… or you’re not married with a bajillion kids living in a house with a giant backyard for your golden retriever named “brownie.”

the point is, i don’t know where i will be in ten years. if i had to wager money on it, my bet would lie with the prediction that i won’t be anywhere near what i thought, or wanted to be. and i’m not saying that’s a bad thing. it just is, what it is. but if i have to choose… i want to be a non-smoking, established photographer making a comfortable living… in a city where people are kind, near the ocean – with a dog named glenn.

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