
cubs win! cubs win! (big time, too.)

i went in to work yesterday and was told i had to bartend a 25-30 person private party for this guy's 30th birthday party from 7-9. usually, these things are lame, because they're easy - keep the stationary apps full so no one's hungry, and the bar only gets "busy" when you yell "last call for open bar!!"

i ended up chatting it up with a bunch of cool people, none of whom were "weird" - because there's always "that weird guy"... 'cept for this kid who i got to talking about baseball with. he wasn't so much weird... as he was... a douche. turns out he's a cardinals fan. (nothing to do with him being a douche.) yay, fine. you have an awesome team. i do not. gives us something to talk about, same division... rivals... all that good stuff. but then he starts to insult me - saying, while shaking is long bony pointer-finger at me (i hate that shit), and i quote: "the reason why cubs fans are so stupid and are the worst is because they sell-out every game, even when they suck." i was baffled by this and had to ask what his point was, because i don't see anything wrong with that. and then i told him i didn't appreciate him calling me, "stupid."
he tells me that true fans should only support their team when they are good because otherwise you're just giving your money to a team that has no respect for it. he didn't say that, but that's the jist i got, only because any other argument would just be asinine and would infuriate me to even listen to, let alone comprehend.

i continue to explain that therein lies the difference between fair-weather and loyalty. that the whole point of being a fan of a team is to be there through all the fantastic moments - but to see them at their lowest and shittiest... kind of like yin and yang you 'tard, how the hell are you supposed to appreciate the sweet without the bitter? secondly, when you have a favorite sports team (especially baseball), it usually has some sort of relation to your childhood, where you were raised - or where you feel the most connected to, when you think of home. you think i WANT to be a cubs fan? you think i ENJOY seeing my team filled with high-salaried players not playing up to their expected potential? no. nor do i find enthrallment in having them win the pennant... then lose in the first round of the playoffs... to the underdogs... who then went on to win the world series that year...

after every shitty year i tell myself i'm picking a different team next season. but what other team is there? i was raised in the outskirts of clark and addison, it's been the longest constant in my life, and on top of everything else, it gives me something to hope for and something to look forward to. the year that all the waiting stops, that all the pieces fall into place and all the sacrifices, the upsets, the LOYALTY.... pays off. and it will. preferably in my lifetime. so suck on that, cardinals fan who's name i didn't get because you were stupid.

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