
rules on dating.

in the past couple years that i've been single - i've compiled a list [in my head] of people you cannot bring into your dating circle. i've left out the obvious ones like 'a family member' or 'your friend's mom' b/c if you need to be reminded that those people are off limits - then you have an entirely different set of issues i can't help you with, but my list goes as follows:

-- someone [anyone] else's significant other.
-- your friends' exes.
-- your ex's friends.
-- your roommate.
-- your ex's roommate.
(if they're still living together, thanks emma!)
-- your ex's immediate/close family member.
-- your boss.

you can also throw in 'people you work with' under the "don't shit where you eat" clause, but - that's not as important as the aforementioned categories - and should be determined on a case by case basis. now, like most rules - there are exceptions.

unfortunately, there are no exceptions to getting together with someone else's significant other. that's just asking for trouble and even if they end up leaving their boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife for you, who's to say that they won't turn around and do the same with you down the road? that's a heavy burden to be carrying around - and no one needs that kind of stress... as if relationships aren't hard enough.

but with everything else... there are two (and only two) instances in which the rules can be broken.

1. if you see potential in the relationship. not necessarily the potential for marriage and babies... but the potential of love. if you're just fucking around, there are plenty of fish in the sea that you can do that with - but within that sea of fish, there are only a few special ones that can tug at your heart strings - and when you find someone like that - no relationship rule should stand in the way.

there are actually some sub-bullet points for this one, like - you can't just go behind your friend's back and date her ex-boyfriend that she still has feelings for, etc. etc... but i'm too tired to get into all of that.

and 2. if they're hot.

ok, i was just kidding about that last one. if only...

"bitch, you fucked my boyfriend."
"yea, but he's HOT."

[ disclaimer: ] sex and dating/relationships aren't the same thing.
take it as you wish, i just had to throw that in there.

"i don't care what you might think about me
you'll get by without me if you want
well, i could be the one to take you home
baby we could rock the night alone...

i could be the one to turn you out
we could be the talk across the town

you might regret what you let slip away..."

-- jasonmraz.

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