
"maybe he just doesn't want to ruin the friendship."

the following is the introduction to he's just not that into you, the no-excuses truth to understanding guys. written by a writer and consultant of sex and the city.

in other words, the book that every [straight] woman should read, not to fill our heads with useless psycho-babble bullshit... but really, to provide some sort of clarity as to why we always feel the need to make excuses for them. that if in fact, he's just not that into us... there's still someone out there, who is. hopefully. :)

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"it started out just like any other day. we were all working in the writers' room of sex and the city, talking, pitching ideas, our personal love lives weaving in an out of the fictional lives we were creating in the room. and just like any other day, one of the women on staff asked for feedback on the behavior of a man whom she liked. we were happy to pitch in and pick apart all the signs and signals of his actions.

and just like on any other day, after much analysis and debate, we concluded that she was fabulous, he must be scared, he's never met a woman as great as her, he is intimidated, and she should just give him time. but on this day, we had a male consultant in the room -- someone who comes in a couple of times a week to give feedback on story lines and gives a great straight-male perspective: greg behrendt. on this day, greg listened intently to the story and our reactions, and then said to the woman in question, "listen, it sounds like he's just not that into you."

we were shocked, appalled, amused, horrified, and above all, intrigued. we sensed immediately that this man might be speaking the truth. a truth that we, in our combined hundred years of dating experience, had never considered, and definitely never considered saying out loud. "okay, he might have a point," we reluctantly agreed. "but greg couldn't possibly understand my very busy and complicated possible future husband."

soon we went around the room, greg, the all-knowing buddha, listening to story after mixed-message story. we had excuses for all these men, from broken dialing fingers to difficult childhoods. in the end, one by one, they were shot down by greg's powerful silver bullet. greg made us see, after an enormous amount of effort, that if a (sane) guy really likes you, there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way. and if he's not sane, why would you want him? he could back it up too: he had years of playing the field, being the bad boy, being the good boy, and then finally falling in love and marrying a really fantastic woman.

a collective ephiphany burst forth in the room, and for me in particular. all these years i've been complaining about men and their mixed messages; now i saw they weren't mixed messages at all. i was the one that was mixed up. because the fact was, these men had simply not been that into me.

now, at first glance it seems that this should have been demoralizing to us, it should have sent us all into a tailspin. yet the opposite was true. knowledge is power, and more importantly, knowledge saves us time. i realized that from that day forward i would be spared hours and hours of waiting by the phone, hours and hours of obsessing with my girlfriends, hours and hours of just hoping his mixed messages really meant "i'm in love with you and want to be with you." greg reminded us that we were all beautiful, smart, funny women, and we shouldn't be wasting our time figuring out why a guy isn't calling us. as greg put it, we shouldn't waste the pretty.

it's hard. we're taught that in life, we should try to look on the bright side, to be optimistic. not in this case. in this case, look on the dark side. assume rejection first. assume you're the rule, not the exception. it's intoxicatingly liberating. but we also know it's not an easy concept. because this is what we do: we go out with someone, we get excited about them, and then they do something that mildly disappoints us. then they keep doing a lot more things that disappoint us. then we go into hyper-excuse mode for weeks or possibly months, because the last thing we want to think is that this great man that we are so excited about is in the process of turning into a creep. we try to come up with some sort of explanation for why they're behaving that way, any explanation, no matter how ridiculous, than the one explanation that's the truth: he's just not that into me.

so if the guy you're dating doesn't seem to be completely into you, or you feel the need to start "figuring him out," please consider the glorious thought that he just might not be... and then free yourself to go find the one that is."

-- liztuccillo.

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