
writing & breaking up.

writ·er (rtr)

n. one who writes, especially as an occupation.

some of my favorite writers come from (of course) reading their works... whether it be magazine articles, novels, poetry, essays, etc. etc... and not necessarily falling in love with their style... but more, the content. the more i relate & understand, the more i love. however, a lot of that has changed over the years and i started to look for writers' particular technique & savoir-faire.

i've never been able to generalize what "type" of writer i liked... because i'm not a fan of sci-fi, but... vonnegut is one of my favorites, the style of comics isn't my thing - but bill watterson falls in my top-five (quite possibly top-three)... and sports writers... a lot of the time - as much as i love baseball... the sports world is filled with so much more... and stuff flies straight over my head, but bill simmons - awesome.

non-fiction is always more appealing to me than fiction, because when i read over a part that's a seemingly impossible scenario i remind myself, "no, no - this is a memoir - it actually happened!" and that makes the read that much more captivating. i recently finished alice sebold's rape memoir... and continued on with the unabridged journals of sylvia plath - one of the most tragic and despressed beings, i've come across... but also one of the most brilliant. i've come to realize there's a difference between telling a story and allowing your readers to consume your words and really experience it - regardless of whether or not they themselves have walked that parallel path alongside the author.

i'm not sure where i was really going with this post... but, i guess just more that i think i've finally learned how to soak in and adapt different concepts and broaden my perspective in how to come off to a specific audience - without letting it/them control too much of what i want to say. and i think that's quite possibly where thea importance of all of this lies. write what matters - and always remember that regardless of what you say or how you say it, you'll always have your critics.

that which does not break you, will only make you stronger. HURRAH!

breaking up & falling apart.

when two people start to date, it's inevitable that they start to hang with each other's friends. that's all fine and dandy, but what happens after the break up? as you grow older, relationships hold more substance and tend to last longer - or at least one would like to hope, but sometimes - some things just aren't meant to be... so then, what happens to all the friendships that cultivated?

it's easy to say, "well, whoever i was closest with first, comes first" but there's always exceptions to the rule and sometimes you develop bonds with people that has the potential to stand the test of time.

i guess this is me wanting to acknowledge all the estranged friends thruout the years due to some evil awkward break up with close friends of mine... as well as the ones that i remain in contact with despite circumstances that would prevent us otherwise. it's the latter that helps me get thru the days when i feel that as much as i bled for certain relationships to work... none of it was in vain.

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