
different things.

i think i say this every december, but man - i can't believe another year has gone by. usually, i mope about the fact that i allowed another year to pass without accomplishing any of the things i said i would... or at least attempt to. but i gotta say, twenty-ten? not so bad.

mostly because of all the traveling i got to do. i kicked off the year in costa rica. spent the summer between vancouver, various parts of alaska, florida, chicago, d.c., virginia, baltimore... and... i'm probably forgetting a few. all the days in between, i spent working - either for money or for my future. i did take a *short* hiatus with school because frankly, it all became extremely overwhelming -- but i think it's time now to kick it into high gear and start living the life i've only dreamt about.

i've also learned a lot this year. about people, relationships, things that matter -- and things that don't. my life is composed of the choices i make and the consequences that come along with them. there's a fine line between compromise and sacrifice. and in the beginning, that line is often blurred and you're basically bending over backwards to ensure the other person's happiness. but if you stick around long enough, the once endearing quirks become not-so-endearing... irritating qualities are no longer things you "love about them" but rather, "love in spite of..." but more than that -- you realize that your love, is different from their love... and you - "want different things."

but then one day, if you're lucky enough -- you wake up and that line isn't so blurry anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I love that on one level your blog is about liberty and freedom; freedom to choose (make your own decisions) and freedom to live your life the way you want to, and there's Lady Liberty! It really is a LOT of effort to join two lives together into one. I think I will still be learning and trying to get the hang of it til I die....

    NEXT time you come to Alaska I won't bitch about you not coming to see me (or even CALLing!) because I will probably be coming to see you before then :) Happy Wednesday JJ
