
day 12 - bullets.

(full list) - 12 - bullet your whole day.

i’ve legitimately attempted to do this for well over a week now, but to no avail. this is a lot harder than you think, i guess unless you’re a detective. or reporter… or stenographer. i’d like to think that it’s because i’m “too busy” to take time out of my precious day to jot down what i’ve just done… but, it’s less that — and more… laziness and lack of eventful things to discuss. so, let’s look back on my week, sum it up in a couple paragraphs and move on with the project, shall we?
spent quite a bit of time wondering what the hell i’m doing with my life. listened to a lot of this will destroy you‘s young mountain, a ridiculously amazing album. lost a lot of sleep. worked, a lot. bought tickets to go home for thanksgiving [slash] hermano’s wedding – super excited to get out of this damn city. caught up with boardwalk empire – seven episodes scattered over three days… it’s that good – and it’s been a while since a show has made me do that. listened to sad songs. added more “tear sheets” to my photog inspiration book. watched a girl do cocaine on the fucking train, eh – just another friday night in glamorous new york city. envied my roommate who left for a ten-day adventure in south africa. finally listened to some ween, rediscovered ray lamontagne. changed my nails from orange to red.
got absolutely no schoolwork done. watched an unhealthy amount of law & order: svu. decided to go through all of dave eggers‘ books… which i started… and then for whatever reason, felt compelled to go through the list of books referenced in perks of being a wallflower… which i also started. had the realization that i’ve always been prone to dabbling in multiple projects at once – without ever finishing any of them. hated the universe (still kinda do) aaand… watched a lot of national geographic documentaries.
i think that about does it. good bedtime story, huh?

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