
a ribbon on the finger.

(photo via.) i was extremely parched so i walked into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. i always like the coldest water possible -- so i let the water run for a minute before i pour myself some. sometimes, i'm so thirsty i'll fill the glass, chug it - as i leave the water running - and then refill. as i chugged that first glass a minute ago, i stood there... watching the water run... and thought to myself, "damn. i'm lucky to be able to walk right over to the next room and pour myself a glass of water, any time i want." ANY TIME. all this talk about droughts and low water supply... yet, it's always there. food is one thing, but something so simple like water. too many people don't have that... and i just let it run.

i'm not going out tomorrow and signing up for the peace corps (they wouldn't take me anyway) -- but i'm writing this more as a reminder to myself to always be thankful for the little things. at least until i write my next blog entry and this one moves to the next page and i forget about it entirely. but for now, thank you new york city for the best tap water, ever!

1 comment:

  1. 1. totally surprised you have good tap water!
    2. as pissed as I get about American culture, I know I am effing lucky to have been born here.
    3. thank you for being my first follower! it felt really lonely blogging and knowing the only profile views I had were from me :)
