
dirty hipsters.

we've been living on the third floor apartment in an awesome three-unit building in williamsburg for about five months now and a month or so ago, these dirty hipsters moved into the first floor apartment and have basically ruined our sweet landlord's life. only, he doesn't even realize it yet --

{rewind.} in the middle of february, johnny (our landlord) sends out a mass email to all the tenants letting us know he was going to be in the UK until the middle of march. the email included information on how to get him the march rent, a list of emergency phone numbers... and a nice lengthy description on how to properly dispose of the trash. evidently the sanitation department around this hood is enthralled by the act writing up fines and citations for anyone who doesn't know how to tie up bags and separate recycling. not rocket science, right?

every week this month, the sanitation guys have left behind bags of unseparated recyclables on the sidewalk because the idiot hipsters either don't know what the phrase "separate bags" means or are simply, too lazy. (which is worse?!!) none of us mind the noisy, late night weekend parties but we're definitely not fans of stepping into a pile of vomit on our landing because for whatever reason, your guests thought hanging out in front of our door would be more fun. but the kicker was finding three members of the FDNY acting as my very own personal alarm clock this morning telling me i have to climb down my fire escape immediately because a fire broke out in the building. where? that's right, the first floor apartment.

other than the heavy stench of burnt plastic in the air, the top two apartments are fine. and let's just say i hope the first floor tenants have renters insurance. and i also hope they find their cat. i almost feel bad for them... but, not really. no one was hurt, and karma's a nasty bitch. (evidently, so am i.)


  1. Image what the "dirty hipsters" say about the Asian flour factory on the 3rd floor....

  2. i don't get it. asians have flour factories? you mean rice paddies? doesn't matter, we don't have one of those. but i can't even imagine the shit they say about all my kimchi urns buried in our backyard.
