
my favorite profile pictures are the ones where people are CLEARLY NOT OUTSIDE.... but wearing sunglasses anyway. particularly the ones shot on a webcam. wait, so do you always wear sunglasses while you're on the computer or one day you thought, "hrm, i need a new profile picture - HOLD ON, gotta get my sunglasses!" maybe if they were super-cool sunglasses, but usually they're just some random pair of shitty looking... sunglasses. i don't get it.

speaking of sunglasses, this time tomorrow i'll be panic stricken at the airport filled with travel anxiety trying to get to my bitches in costa rica for a few (just a few) necessary days under the hot hot sun. i used to love going to the airport. the human conveyer belts, the neon lights, the AIRPLANES! but the last couple times have stressed me out for various reasons... so now the idea of all the things that could go wrong and all the idiots i have to stand behind in the security line who still don't know you're supposed to take off your shoes... or take your laptop out of your bag... OR EMPTY OUT YOUR GODDAMN POCKETS. and of course... to please keep your boarding pass in your hand.

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