
98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.

i love winter. i appreciate winter. but i am done with winter. done. i want it to be over 50 degrees and have longer days. i want to see colors and feel motivated instead of dreading the outdoors and constantly reminding myself to bundle the fuck up. spring will come but summer will soon follow which then i will return to complain about how hot and gross it is outside. don't even get me started on sweating, ugh.

it's funny, what my coffee maker considers to be "4 cups" actually fills my mug one and a half times. it's actually not as "funny" as it is a clear sign that i drink way too much coffee. i can't stop listening to hot chip's and i was a boy from school on repeat. it almost makes me want to rejoin the gym... and then not go.  so what if it came out in 2006, it's new to me and music is music. i also won best hair for HB's christmas party secret ballot. i looked at it as my chance to relive my sorry high school years. suck on that, glenbrook south high school class of 2000! speaking of high school, i had to request a transcript from said high school when i enrolled in classes a couple months ago (yay for just making the 27 and under bracket!) and well holy shit, how i graduated with that sad-ass gpa is beyond me. all i have to say is thank you dean torsiello.

the holidays came and went and just like every changing-of-the-year, after all the hype - the only difference has been how many checks i've had to rewrite because i've fucked up the date. i'm picking up my first passport since i was 6 months old, tomorrow. my excitement is almost at the same level as it was when i got my driver's license for the first time. "sweet! something other than my library card and a sad five-dollar bill to put in my wallet! yesssss..." only now, it's just another document to be responsible for. another viable proof of existence. and one less excuse as to why i haven't checked off a thing on my "places to go" list.

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