
23 days... till pitchers + catchers report.

can't root for indiana, superbowl 41. can't root for minnesota, nfc north rivals. no ties to new orleans but after their damn near flawless season, i'm partial to them taking the nfc championship, then losing in the super bowl... kinda like the pats in SB42, except not as embarrassing. i know, that's the evil in me but it's to further prove my point that it doesn't matter how awesome you are in the regular season. even in the post season. win games so you can show your face in the championship game and win the title. the crème de la crème. "if you ain't first, you're last." no one will argue that a fan would much rather rock a "world champions!!" t-shirt over a "league champions!!" shirt, any day.
since my first loves refuse to give me hope of any kind of championship title what-so-ever... in the past couple years i've been finding some sort of solace in attempting to root for my back-up teams in playoff situations... normally, my backwards logic has caused me to pick teams in the same league as mine because i feel as though if MY team can't win the pennant (or whatever it's called in football) - someone from MY league should represent. however, since both the bears and the giants have long dropped out of the race, my third rule in rooting for a playoff team is (are?) tied between the following:
1. location.
2. a favorite (starting) player.
3. my boyfriend's/regular friend(s)' team(s).
4. if there is money riding them winning. (or the other team losing.)
so that leaves me with the jets. go new york. yay, enthusiasm. woo. whatever, it'll be nice yelling the same obscenities at the TVs with a group of people fighting for the same cause. it's weary times rooting for the away team. unless of course, they win.
GO JETS! i can't wait for baseball...

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