

alidapalooza would be my friend's 30th birthday bash happening this coming saturday. not only is it her 30th birthday party but it is a reunion of a group of [some] people who have mixed feelings towards one another. anyone else's story i could care less about, it's mine that i intend to fix before literally walking into a room of stale awkward air.

luckily, holding grudges isn't my thing - but, ignoring a situation until i'm FORCED to confront them, is more my game. i've taken the liberty of attempting to mend some fences before the big event - and i've realized that importance lies farther than the desire of avoiding a hostile environment for a birthday party, it's making amends with old friends you never should have lost touch with in the first place.

thank you dear alidapalooza.
here's to fisting pink tacos.

1 comment:

  1. don't be a puss jenn - be unapologetic. it's what i would have done if i were less mature.
