
simple pleasures.

from the incredibly adorable deux02 (& pulsarbabe):

instructions: name 10 of life's simple pleasures that you like the most, then pick 10 people to do the same. try to be original and creative; try not to use things that someone else has already used.

i like (in no particular order):

01. when one of your friends says, "you HAVE to hear this song, you'd love it" and makes you listen... and sure enough - it becomes the one track that gets put on repeat for the rest of the week.
02. the feeling of typing right after you cut your nails. not just on a computer but a calculator, posi-touch, etc. etc.
03. the first coffee of the day.
04. inside jokes.
05. when they update the movies ondemand with old movies of the prequels to new movies coming out. like right now they have the supermans... and they have all the batmans on - too... including the last one. ok, i just realized how much of a LOSER i am. what can i say? my life is mad dull.
06. when you have a vacation to look forward to.
07. when you realize how much of a jerkoff someone you trusted is. i know this sounds like a bad thing, but i feel like the sooner you come to terms with such a thing -- the sooner you can get over it, and never trust them again. it's always a plus to be "in the know".
08. when you eat/drink/[smoke] something that just -- "hits the spot"... like a shot of whiskey, good beer, greasy pizza or hrm... steak. warm-red centers always hit the spot. what is it with me and STEAK?
09. great conversation. the kind that goes on for hours without you even knowing it. when you go to a bar for "a drink" and the next thing you know, you're looking at your watch thinking, "FUCK i have to be at work in two hours."
10. the realization of wanting something. and then the pursuit of getting it. and that even if it doesn't happen the way you had hoped... that at the end of the day, you're still going to be ok. that you're still you.

i'm not picking people. if you wanna do it, do it.

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